Chronic stress may result in breathing that is unnatural or irregular---causing us to feel stressed and tired. Enhancing your breathing function can improve your energy and mood. Breathing exercises do not have to take a lot of time or effort. Practicing breathing exercises a few minutes every day can help improve your quality of life.
Focusing on rhythmic breathing can enhance relaxation. According to Claudia Cummins of Yoga Journal, focus on the diaphragm as the breath mechanism to put your body at ease. Keep the upper body relaxed---especially the chest and shoulders---and inhale to inflate the belly. Exhale slowly for a second or two longer than the inhalation. Pause momentarily after each exhale before taking another breath. While this breathing exercise may be performed for 10 minutes or longer, taking two or three quick minutes to focus on this relaxing breath can help to release feelings of serenity.
Correct Over-Breathing
Panic or anxiety can cause some people to breathe too rapidly and deeply, creating feelings of breathlessness. When not controlled, hyperventilation---or over-breathing---can cause intense feelings of panic and may even require hospitalization. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health, some quick breathing techniques can help you regain control of your breathing and raise the level of carbon dioxide in your blood. Try breathing through pursed lips or putting a finger over one nostril to reduce the amount of oxygen you take in with each breath.
Stress Management
Living in a constant state of stress can cause your regular breathing pattern to become rapid and unsteady. Marianne Ross, Ph.D wrote in Self Help Magazine that experiencing a satisfying, complete breath occasionally helps the lungs to work to capacity and energizes you. Try placing yourself in a comfortable seated or reclined position. Exhale deeply, drawing the belly in, and then inhale as you allow the abdomen to inflate. Allow the chest to inflate as you continue to draw in breath, then raise your shoulders up to the ears. Hold this breath for a few seconds. Exhale slowly, drop your shoulders, relax your chest and finally allow your abdomen to deflate. Work on keeping the breathing pattern as smooth as possible, repeating the exercise one or two more times.
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