Poor breathing habits can negatively affect the body by taking away energy and dulling the mind. As the body ages, the rib cage and surrounding muscles become stiff from disuse and the act of inhaling becomes more difficult. This can be alleviated by performing breathing exercises that cause the lungs to fill completely. Proper breathing will increase energy and mental clarity, according to researchers at the University of Missouri Kansas City (UMKC).
Belly Breathing
Lie on your back with your feet flat on the floor and knees bent. Pay attention to your normal breathing pattern for a few moments and try to determine which parts of the body are impacted by the act of breathing. Warm your hands by briskly rubbing them together and place them on your belly with the center of your hand on your navel. Breathe in and let your belly and hands rise with the inhalation and fall with the exhalation. The rise and fall of the belly indicate the full and efficient use of the lungs.
Rapid Breathing
Inhale three times rapidly through your nose without exhaling. On the first inhale, lift your arms from your sides straight out in front of your body to shoulder height. With the second inhale, open your arms straight and spread them to the side while keeping them at shoulder height. Lift your arms over your head with the third inhale. Exhale through your mouth while lowering your arms in an arc until they rest at your sides. Researchers at UMKC recommend 10 to 12 repetitions, but caution that the elderly should only perform this exercise while seated, as hyperventilation can occur if it is not done properly.
Tan Tien Breathing
While inhaling, pay attention to the area of your body located 2 inches below your navel. Sense the breath filling your lower abdomen. Place your hands on the area and feel how your body responds to this deep breathing. While exhaling, visualize any tension and toxins in your body escaping.
Tai Chi Breathing
Sit in a straight-backed chair with your back straight and chin tucked toward your chest. Cup your right hand over your left and place your palms on your belly in the same position as that used in the belly breathing exercise. Focus on your lower belly while breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. Breath in for one second, hold for a second and breath out, counting until reaching 10. If focus is lost, start over. With practice, the breathing will deepen into your lower belly area, experts at TaiChiRevolution.com report.
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