The quickest way to reduce stress is to take several deep breaths: This simple action brings oxygen into the lungs and expels toxins. Pranayama, or breath control, is a part of Ashtanga yoga, meaning "eight limbs" or the eight elements of yoga that includes yoga postures, meditation and other practices.
No matter where you are, you can use the following three breathing exercises to reduce anxiety or tension. If you are pregnant or have high blood pressure, get medical clearance first.
Lion's Breath Reduces Stress
For many people, having a quick-breathing technique to help them regain control of their temper can be very useful, such as when they are driving in traffic. This can be safely done if you continue to pay attention to the traffic at the same time.
Inhale deeply for a count of three and exhale sharply through the mouth with a short "Ha!" sound. A variation of Lion's breath, it expels pitta, or heat. Do two to three rounds and return to normal breathing.
Easy Breath
Shallow breathing occurs when we receive sudden bad news or are in a stressful situation such as chasing down an impromptu deadline at work. Place one palm on the top of the chest where the sternum sits and the other hand at the lowest part of the belly. Inhale for a count of three to the top hand, feeling it rise with your inhalation and keeping the chest lifted, exhale to the bottom hand, feeling it drop with the end of the exhalation. Repeat three to five more times. Once you learn this breath work, it can be done without placing your palms on your chest or belly, and can be done inconspicuously at work.
Three-Part Breath
Three-part, or viloma breath is a classic pranayama for meditation. It is not appropriate for women who are on a menstrual cycle or are pregnant as it is too heating.
Inhale to a count of four from the lowest part of the belt line, pause. Inhale to the level of the belly button, pause. Last, inhale to the top of the sternum (center of the collar bones), filling the side and back of the chest, pause. Exhale in reverse order: chest, belly, lower belly. Rest by taking several normal breaths and do the breath once more. This can be done first thing in the morning or before going to bed as a balancing breath that helps you access more of your lungs and more fully oxygenate the body.
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