Parkinson's disease can affect how a person breathes, caused by posture issues and less elasticity in the chest cavity's musculature, according to the "Parkinson's Focus Today" blog. Lack of adequate oxygenation forces the body to work harder to provide oxygen to cells throughout the body, and it causes people diagnosed with Parkinson's to tire faster and more easily. It also leaves them more susceptible to respiratory conditions, such as pneumonia. Learning a few basic breathing techniques can help people with Parkinson's increase their stamina and endurance, as well as provide vital exercise to chest muscles and the diaphragm, which is used in breathing.
High Breathing
Focus on breathing deeply through your nose as often as possible. Breathing through the nose helps exercise and maintain elasticity in the lungs, "Parkinson's Focus Today" says, allowing better exchange of oxygenation to all cells of your body. Breathe deeply, and using the "high breathing" technique of Pranayama Yoga can help control breathing, according to Dr. Mehmet Oz. Sit up straight, and focus movement at the upper-chest area around the ribs, shoulders and shoulder blade area, ABC of Yoga suggests. This is a more shallow form of breathing that can be performed by pulling in your stomach and lifting your chest outward during an inhale. Practice four or five inhales through your nose to exercise your upper chest.
Complete Breath
"The Complete Breath" is another form of Pranayama breathing often recommended to people diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. It involves a larger movement and function of the lungs than high breathing, according to ABC of Yoga. This exercise works the entire respiratory system. Sit straight, and inhale through your nose. Your entire rib cage, shoulders and shoulder blades should lift upward with your inhale. Your inhale also should make your abdomen puff out slightly as your lungs fill with air. Inhale slowly, counting to 5, then hold your breath for a moment, and then slowly exhale. Repeat this exercise several times.
Nourishing Breathing
Sit comfortably, but with your back straight and your shoulders down, suggests Sit and Be Fit. Place your hands on your lap, then inhale deeply through your nose. Focus on feeling your lungs fill with air, from the bottom to the top. As you inhale, let your hands lift from your thighs and open up and to the side of your body. Hold your breath for a moment, then exhale slowly through your mouth, imagining that your lungs are losing air from the top to the bottom. Repeat this exercise several times a day.
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