Disorders or medical issues involving stomach acid reflux can be rather painful for the patient, especially in extreme cases. While many acid reflux disorders can be treated effectively with proper medication, patients can also benefit from practicing one of the many breathing exercises associated with acid discomfort relief.
Deep Breathing for Relaxation
While acid reflux can come in different severity, a major proponent to reflux is experiencing a great deal of stress in one's life. According to BetterHealth, a government website based in Australia, breathing to reduce stress is a great way to also limit the amount of acid reflux a patient will feel throughout the day since worry and nervousness can force stomach acid up through the digestive tract. One method to use while lowering stress levels is practicing deep controlled breathing exercises. For example, using the diaphragm (the muscle membrane that controls the inhalation and exhalation of the lungs) to take deep breaths help the lungs to reach full oxygen capacity, which can help lead to a natural way of lowering anxiety and stress levels. As a result, stomach acid will also settle and will be less likely to rise throughout the esophagus.
Abdominal Breathing While Seated
Another technique described on the BetterHealth website involves the practice of abdominal breathing while in a seated, relaxed position. This exercise is done while the patient is in a seated position with his or her chest and rib cage pushed out in front of his or her body (this can be done by extending the upper back). While placing one hand on the chest and another on the abdomen, patients will take notice of how both move during normal breaths. Once this natural pattern is noticed, the patient will then focus primarily on breathing only from the abdomen (again via the use of the diaphragm). This exercise allows the body to lower blood pressure, increases a feeling of overall calmness, and reduces the amount of lactic acid in the chest and stomach muscles.
Limbic Breathing
According to an article posted by Tian Dayton, PhD, TEP in the Counselor, The Magazine for Addiction Professionals, the limbic system in the human body is responsible for emotion and stress response and can be affected by breathing. Limbic breathing holds numerous benefits to the patient, including the reduction of stress and acid reflux tendencies. As with other breathing techniques, limbic breathing is best done in a controlled, comfortable environment with little distraction. This practice is done by the intake of slow, deep breaths in a predetermined pattern or rate in while focusing on meditation and heart rate. This advanced technique of breathing exercise is best completed with the aid of a therapist or counselor.
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